Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Slow but steady...

Today one of Nate's SLPs wrote in his binder (which follows him everywhere), that he is making notable progress.  This is very exciting!  He is spontaneously using more word approximations and signs.  Just tonight at dinner, he noticed I took his fork and he said "ork"!  Lots of new approximations and word attempts.

I have an updated video demonstrating some of the words that he is able to do very clearly and others he still has trouble with.

We've been practicing showing numbers with his fingers and he's getting pretty good at it now.  It had been difficult for him due to some slight global apraxia issues.  He literally use to have to use one hand to hold down the fingers on his other hand in order to demonstrate the right number.

In my last post I spoke about the Kaufman cards and how these cards are used in the treatment of apraxia.  It got me looking around on-line and although expensive, I was able to find a set for sale on ebay at a reduced price.  We have been practicing them at home and Nate is excited to be using something he sees in therapy.

In July, he Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North America is having their annual conference in San Diego.  It looks like there's going to be some great presentations, ranging from:  A Map for Caregivers Unraveling the Mystery of Treatment, Using Symbolic Gestures to Facilitate Speech Motor Planning and Literacy Development, and AAC and Apraxia: Perspectives from a Parent, a Teacher and an SLP.  (AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, which can be anything from pictures in books to facilitate communication or even high-tech iPads or computer devices specifically used for communication.)  I need to get registered and decide which presentations to attend!  I'm looking forward to getting the latest information on CAS research as well as connecting with other parents of apraxic kids.

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