Sunday, January 30, 2011

Last week Nate began a new session at the University of Redlands' Truesdail Center. Sometimes it's hard to start with a new therapist, having to go over what he knows or doesn't know, but at least the students we have had so far are eager. I know that the more information they have about Nate, the better start there will be to his therapy for the semester.

Nate still has six sessions of therapy a week.  Twice a week at Truesdail, twice a week in our school district and twice a week at his Montessori school.  The SLP at his school goes into his classroom to work on functional and academic speech. She also works on helping some of the students in his class use the signs and cues to help remind him of the words he needs to say.

We've been working a lot on the same words since the fall: up, out, in, no, apple, mom, dad, moo, baby, dad, happy.  Some more functional than others.  A few words are getting more clear and he can do them on his own, other words are still very difficult and you can see in the video, he sometimes will imitate the way a word sounds (like baby).  He often still gets /b/ and /p/ mixed up, although the only difference between the two sounds is one is voiced and the other isn't.

Some days are better than others and he still need continual reminders to use the words that he knows or can approximate well.  It just doesn't come "naturally".  

Monday, January 17, 2011

In Your Silence

In Your Silence

In your silence I hear your fear,
Your need to have me always near,
The fear you won't be understood.
Speak my child - if only you could.

Some people don't know, they say "She'll be alright!"
They don't see the pain, the anguish and fright.
You understand all that they say and infer,
Yet you cannot respond - a pain you incur.

My love for you is simply not enough,
To get you through life, at times will be tough.
But I will help you grow with all in me,
You shall find your voice, this I guarantee.

Your voice will be strong, your words so proud.
You will one day stand tall and speak out loud.
You won't fear anymore, not being understood.
It is then that we'll know we did all that we could.

So for now in your silence I hear your fear,
Your need to have me always near.
The fear you won't be understood,
One day will be gone - it will be gone for good

-Sarah Grainer